Thursday, September 14, 2017

Plates Quiz 2 Answers 19th Sept



        Generally found along plate boundaries
  • Greater concentration around the Pacific ocean, forming the Pacific ring of fire
  • Western coast of North and South America
·       Along eastern Asia passing through Japan
  • Hotspot volcanoes can also be found in the middle of the Pacific ocean
- Atlantic Ocean : stretches from north to south

Fig. 2

On Fig. 2, label the following :
·       the vent (Change pipe to vent)
·       the crater
·       the secondary cone


Explain how earthquakes are formed.

  • When plates converge, diverge or slide past each other, the movement is not smooth.
  • The rocks are under enormous stress and large amount of stored energy is built up, forcing the rocks to bend.
  • The stress in the rocks becomes so tremendous that it finally causes the rocks to jerk free into new positions along the fault line.
  • This results in the release of the stored energy in the form of seismic waves which make the ground vibrate, forming earthquake.



Fig. 3

On Fig. 3, label the following :
·       the denser oceanic plate
·       the subduction zone
·       the oceanic trench
·       Melted magma


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