Thursday, September 21, 2017

Climate structured answers 25/9


Identify the type of climate shown in Fig. 2.                                                            [1]

·       Monsoon climate (Not accept if there’s spelling mistakes)

Describe the characteristics of the climate identified in 3(a)(i).                              [4]

·       High mean annual temperatures [0.5] of 27 degree Celsius. [0.5]
·       The annual temperature range is small [0.5]  at 11 degree Celsius. [0.5]
·       High amount of total annual precipitation [0.5] of 1600mm between June and September [0.5]  .
·       Distinct wet and dry season [1] with more precipitation in the middle of the year.

With reference to Fig. 3, explain the formation of the northwest monsoon and its impact on Australia from October to February.                                                                            [5]                                    

·       North hemisphere/India: High pressure [0.5], South hemisphere/Australia: Low pressure [0.5]
·       Due to the pressure difference, as wind blows from a high pressure to low pressure area [0.5], the Northeast wind [0.5] is formed.
·       As the wind crosses the equator [0.5], it changes direction/deflect left [0.5], which forms the Northwest wind [0.5].
Note : (Choose 2 out of the 3 points)
·       Moisture/ water vapour [0.5] is being picked up from the Indian Ocean [0.5]
·       Brings heavy rain to Australia [0.5] during the months of October to February [0.5].

2015 Class test

Explain why Singapore experiences the Northeast monsoon at the end of the year.

·       At the end of the year, the Northern hemisphere will be having winter and the air over interior Asia is cool.
·       The cool air contracts, becomes denser and sinks, creating an area of high pressure.
·       The Southern hemisphere is having summer. The warm air expands, becomes less dense and rises, creating an area of low pressure.
·       Winds blow out from high pressure to low pressure areas as Northeast monsoon winds to Singapore.



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