Sunday, August 20, 2017

Volcanic risks and benefits LDQ


Question:  The risk of living in volcanic areas outweighs the benefits.”  How far do you agree with this statement?  [6]

Using the same format of PDEE, write an answer with 1 set of risk of tsunamis and 1 set of risk of an earthquake and


Risk of living in Volcanic Areas (1 example of risk)

Destruction by volcanic materials is a risk that people living in volcanic areas faced.

Volcanic materials include lava and volcanic bombs or rock fragments.

People who living in volcanic areas are faced with volcanic eruptions that produce lava and rock fragments.  These volcanic materials can lead to widespread damage of property.  The lava with high temperatures of between 500° C and 1400° C burns the areas it flows through.

The ongoing eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii since 1983 has destroyed many homes and highway.

Benefit of living in Volcanic Areas (1 example of benefit)

One benefit of living in volcanic areas is the availability of fertile volcanic soils.

Lava and ash from volcanic eruptions break down to form fertile volcanic soils. The volcanic soils are good for farming.

This is the main reason why these two islands have been able to support a large rural population for many years.  Despite continuous use, the soils are more fertile than most non-volcanic areas of Indonesia.


The volcanic soils of Java and Bali in Indonesia support the growing of crops like rice, tea and coffee.


There are many benefits of staying near the volcanoes and it has supported many in their livelihood. But people should also remember the great risks of the eruptions and the government should closely monitor the volcanic activities so that they can warn people of potential threat. 

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