Monday, August 28, 2017

Resource P111

‘The impact of a tsunami on people’s lives can be more devastating than that of an earthquake.’ How far do you agree with this statement?  Give reasons for your answer.    [6]
Yes I agree to a large extent as the devastation by a tsunami is very great on the coastal communities as it catches many unprepared. This essay will discuss the impact of tsunami and earthquake on the lives of people.

Impact of a tsunami on people’s lives (1 example)

Tsunamis can have an impact on the lives of the people.

Tsunamis are unusually large waves caused by underwater earthquakes.

Tsunamis can travel long distances and caused great destruction to coastal areas when they sweep inland.  At the point of contact on the coast, the tsunami waves could be travelling at 50km/h and may reach heights of around 15metres.

In 2004, a 9.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean and caused a tsunami with waves that spread throughout the Indian Ocean. The most damage was experienced in the low-lying coastal areas of western Sumatra, Indonesia. There was a loss of lives and destruction of properties along this stretch of the coast.

Earthquakes can have an impact on the lives of the people.  Earthquakes can cause fire.

Earthquakes may rupture gas pipes and the gas can provide fuel to start fires.  Earthquakes may expose electrical cables which may ignite flammable items like gas and oil.

Once these items are ignited, fires can spread quickly to a large area, increasing the number of deaths and injured. 

The 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Earthquake caused extensive fires that went on for two days. Firemen were unable to control the fires as the ruptured water pipes meant that were no water supply to put out the fire.

Impact of an earthquake on people’s lives (1 example)
Conclusion: In conclusion, both Tsunami and Earthquakes causes extensive damage to people. There the implementation of tsunami and earthquake warning system is necessary so that people can be better prepared in times of emergency for evacuation.

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