Monday, August 28, 2017

Resource P113

Questions Resource pack p113
Disruption of Services
Q: What are some examples of services?
-Electricity, gas and water
Q: How do earthquakes disrupt such services?
-EQ can rupture gas and water pipes or electrical cables with the sudden force and jerk.
Destruction of Properties
Q: How are properties affected during an earthquake?
-The shaking of the ground will loosen the soil and destabilize the foundation of the houses. This may cause properties to fall apart and destroyed many homes.
Loss of Lives
Q: How are lives lost during an earthquake?
-People may be killed by falling buildings and infrastructure. Many bodies were also found tapped under debris.
Destruction of Infrastructure
Q: What are infrastructures?
-Buildings, roads, power supplies
Q: How are infrastructures affected by earthquakes?
Earthquakes may cause cracks to form in infrastructure such as roads and bridges.
Transportation can be disrupted as it is unsafe to use the damaged roads.
Tsunami Threats
Q: How are tsunamis formed by earthquakes?
-The movement of the sea floor during a large earthquake at subduction zones causes large amount of sea water to be displaced
-The waves rise in height towards the shore and crashes at the coast
Landslides occurrence
Q: What are landslides?
-rapid downslope movements of soil, rock and vegetation
Q: Why are there landslides during an earthquake?
-EQ destabilizes the slopes and cause the ground to give way
Fires breakout
Q: Why are there fires during an earthquake?
-Earthquakes may rupture gas pipes and this can provide fuel to start fires.
Q: How does the fire affect people?
-It destroy houses and lives of people. Building and infrastructure are also burnt and damaged by the fires.

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