Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Monsoon homework answers

(a)     With reference to Fig. 1, identify the monsoon winds that blow in December in India.

          North-east Monsoon

(b)     Explain the formation of the monsoon wind identified in (i).

Area of low pressure forms over Australia during summer

India is experiencing winter, on the other hand, forming area of high pressure

Air moves from India to Australia due to the difference in pressure

Coriolis effect deflects the winds to the left when they cross equator, forming the North-East monsoon


Using your understanding of the topic, identify the monsoon wind shown in Fig. 2 and explain its formation. [4]                                              

It is the SouthWest Monsoon [1m]

In June, the southern hemisphere is having winter and the Northern hemisphere is having summer [1m]

The wind moves from Southern Hemisphere which is of higher pressure towards the Northern Hemisphere which is of a lower pressure[1m]

Due to the Coriolis effect, the winds are deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, which results in the Southwest monsoon winds blowing across India [1m]

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