Monday, March 20, 2017

Climate change and Greenhouse effect

A. Climate Change

Q1. Describe the changes to the Global Climatic pattern from 1800 to 2000. [2]

General increase over the years;
sharp increase in temperatures between 1980-2000
Note : The steeper the gradient of the line, the greater the temperature increase.

Q2. How do you think the increase in Temperature will affect the world? [2]

The impacts of a one degree change : More hurricanes, More deserts, Food crops destroyed
B. Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Q3. What is the difference between the Greenhouse Effect and the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect? [4]

        Greenhouse effect: Natural process in which the gases in the Earth’s atmosphere trap longwave radiation emitted from the earth’s surface [1], warming the atmosphere for us to survive.[1]

        Enhanced greenhouse effect: Increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere [1], leading to a rise in global temperatures. Usually a result of human activities [1]

Q4. What are the 4 Greenhouse gases? [4]

Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous oxide, Methane, Chloroflurocarbons

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