Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Khalis revision


In my opinion,I agree that there are more benefits than risks of staying near volcanic areas as volcanoes do not erupt all the time and volcanic areas that are dormant provides people plenty of activities to do and also remains of volcanoes which may be in the form of precious materials.

(In your intro,state in your opinion if you agree or disagree)

Benefit 1:
P- Precious stones and minerals
E- Valauble minerals and precious stones like gold and diamond are present in volcanic rocks. Volcanic rocks are good resources for building materials and production of items
E- In Kimberly,South Africa, the old volcanic rocks are one of the richest sources of diamond in the world

Benefit 2:
E-Volcanic landforms are tourist attractions that form an important source of revenue for locals and country.
E-An example is the ruins of Pompeii in Italy which was buried by layers of ash.tourists come to see the remains

P-Destruction by volcanic materials
E-Volcanic materials produced by volcanic eruptions include lava and rock fragments or volcanic bombs. These volcanic materials can lead to a widespread damage of property
E-For example,the ongoing eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii since 1983 has destroyed many homes and highways.

(If agree-explain 2 benefits and 1 risk,with specific examples and explanation
 If disagree-explain 1 benefit and 2 risks,with specific examples and explanation)

I agree the benefits of living near volcanic areas outweigh the risks. There have always been warning signs of potential volcanic eruptions. If national evacuation programme and relay systems are in place, precious lives can be saved and benefits can still be reaped.

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