Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Revision on Temperature - By Anna Wong

Revision plan (7 minutes):
·       Playing kahoot for max 5 minutes

Questions from the tys (6 minutes to try):
·       TYS 2016 page 13 question 4b (don’t have to draw anything)

Go through question (7 minutes):
Check TYS answers first then show my answer.

MY answer:
·       Temperatures are generally lower at higher latitudes, due to the distance the sun rays have to travel. The sun rays are shorter when a country is located closer to the equator, thus causing that country to experience higher temperatures.

·       For Singapore, we are located near the equator meaning we have a low latitude, and thus the sun rays take a shorter time to travel to Singapore and therefore we experience warm temperatures all year round. This kind of climate is called the equatorial climate.

·       For Beijing, they are located far from the equator and very near to the poles, allowing it to have a high latitude, hence the sun’s rays strikes the earth’s surface at a lower angle and take a longer time to reach Beijing, therefore, Beijing experiences cooler temperatures. This kind of climate is known as the cool temperate climate.

·       Therefore, we can say that due to the difference in latitudes of both countries, both countries experience different climates and are affected differently.

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