Monday, April 10, 2017


Resource pack


‘The spread of insect-borne diseases is the most significant impact of enhanced greenhouse effect.’
To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

Other factors [at least 1 more besides the given factor]:
-        Sea level rising, Lengthening of the crops period, Extreme weather conditions

Impact of climate change
Sea level rise refers to the increase in the mean height of the sea’s surface between high tide and low tide relative to land. Low-lying areas and islands are threatened. 33% of the coastal land and wetland habitats are likely to be lost in the next few hundred years if sea levels continue to rise at the current rates. E.g. Majuro Atoll in the Pacific Ocean will lose 80% of its land by half a metre.
More extreme weather events such as heat waves, floods, drought and tropical cyclones have increased in the last few decades. This is due to higher land and sea surface temperatures that resulted in greater amount of water vapour and latent heat in a warmer atmosphere which is a powerful driving force for extreme weather events.

Increased temperatures and rainfall may cause the spread of infectious insect-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. E.g. Cool climate areas of Nepal and Bhutan for the first time in 2004.
Higher temperatures may result in longer growing seasons for crops in some regions. New crops such as blackberries and maize can be cultivated in UK. However, in Yunan province of China, fruits such as apples and cherries and nuts like almonds and walnuts that require cool weather conditions are reduced.


Video 1

a)    Why does Malaria spread easier with global warming?

- Increased rainfall and temperatures is favourable for mosquitoes to breed
- (allows spread of malaria and dengue fever)
- As temperate countries get warmer, mosquitoes are able to breed further up north of the Equator

b)    What are the examples of extreme weather conditions seen in the video?
- drought- flood- hurricanes

Exercise 1

1) What are the 4 impact of climate change? [4]

-        Sea level rise
-        Frequent extreme weather events
-        Spread of infectious insect-borne diseases
-        Lengthening of growing season in certain regions

2) Which of the impact is the most devastating to the world? [3]

-        Sea level rise or Frequent extreme weather events
-        Flooding of coastal region
-        Natural calamities that can cause many lives to be destroyed


Spread of infectious insect-borne disease

More frequent extreme weather events

Sea level rise

Change in length of growing seasons

= Define and state what the point is
Insect-borne diseases spreads faster and breed in new areas.
There are more occurrence of severe and rare weather phenomenon that results in economic losses and loss of lives.

The mean height of the sea’s surface increased relative to the land.
The growing seasons of certain crops could be lengthen or shorten.

Explain/ Elaborate

= on how this is caused by  global warming
The increased rainfall and temperature is favourable for insects to grow.

Therefore insects are able to breed in temperate countries now as the weather gets warmer. This cause diseases to spread to new places.
Higher land and sea surface temperatures creates more radiation and latent heat.

This results in more frequent and irregular weather events.
Due to high temperatures, water expands and increases the sea height.

The higher temperatures also cause glaciers to melt and add the melt water to the sea.
Higher temperatures have led to longer growing seasons for some regions as cold regions are now warmer and conducive for crop growing.

However the hotter regions are also getting hotter, and less conducive for certain crops to grow.

In 2004, Nepal and Bhutan experienced Malaria and Dengue fever for the first time.
Heat waves, floods, droughts and tropical cyclone have increased in the last few decades.
Majuro Atoll in the Pacific Ocean will lose 80% of its land by half a metre if sea levels continue to rise at current rate.
In Canada, there is an increase in soybeans, potatoes and wheat as the region is warmer.

In Yunnan, apples and cherries production is reduced as they need cool conditions to grow.

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