Sunday, April 16, 2017

Class test 2 answers

Using Fig. 1, account for the movement of the monsoon wind and its effect on rainfall in India.                                                                                                                                   [4]

-        In August, the southern hemisphere has high pressure, while the northern hemisphere has low pressure.
-        Monsoon wind moves from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.
-        As the Southeast monsoon wind starts from Australia, the wind moves across the Indian Ocean and picks up moisture as it moves towards Asia.
-        India then receives heavy rainfall as it experiences the Southwest monsoon wind.

 Highest scorer : Enzo (3m) Most of you did not write about the 'pressure'. 

With the aid of a well-labelled diagram, describe the formation of land breeze.              [5]

Diagram (2m)
Comments: HORRIBLE DRAWING! Wierd moons! Chikin

Explanation (3m)

-        During the night, the land has lower temperature and higher pressure as it loses heat faster. The air above the land cools and sinks.
-        The sea has higher temperature and lower pressure, thus the air above the sea expands and rises.
-        Land breeze is formed from the land towards the sea as wind moves from an area of high pressure to low pressure

Highest scorer : Tasmin, Anna, Chermaine, Nadia. Sharifah, Xuan Chan

‘Volcanic eruptions are the main natural causes of global climate change.’

To what extent do you agree with the statement above?                                                 [6]

Comments: Dont write in ONE paragraph. Split into Intro, Point, Point and Conclusion .
Question is about NATURAL cause, so do not write about HUMAN cause
L2/3 : Enzo and Anna 

Introduction : Take a stand (Agree/Disagree)

Volcanic eruptions
Volcanic eruptions releases carbon dioxide, water vapour, sulphur dioxide, dust and ash into the atmosphere. The particles reflect solar energy back into space and causes global dimming.

Global dimming results in the reduction of sunlight that reaches the earth’s surface. This temporarily cools the earth for months or years.

The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991 released 17 million tonnes of Sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. The sulphur0based particles reflected solar energy back into space and lowered temperatures in the northern hemisphere by 0.6°C.
Variations in solar output
The increase in magnetic activity results in an increased solar radiation. Areas surrounding the sunspots radiate more energy, and causes global temperatures to increase.

In 2000, the number of sunspots observations reach up to 170, which coincided with high solar activities. When the solar activity reached its minimum, global temperatures then were also lower than those in the past 20 years.

Level 1 (0 - 2 marks)
At this level answers will be generalized or with minimal support if any stand were given at all.
Reasoning rather weak and expression may be unclear.
A basic answer that has little development.

Award L1/1 for answer limited to simple listing of one or two factor.
Award L1/2 for answer with description of one or two factor

Level 2 (3 - 4 marks)
Disagreement and agreement will be supported by appropriate detail.
Or, both agreement and disagreement are considered, but support is patchy so that the answer is not full. 
Good reasoning and logic in parts of the answer with good expression in places.

Award L2/3 for answer with balanced evaluation of at least two factors.
Award L2/4 for answer with balanced evaluation of at least two factors with at least ONE example given.

Level 3 (5 - 6 marks)
At this level answers will be supported by sound knowledge.
Both agreement and disagreement are considered and well supported. 
Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of language.
Award L3/5 for answer with balanced evaluation of at least two factors, with at least TWO examples given.

Award L3/6 for answer with balanced evaluation of at least two factors, with a good conclusion stated.               

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