Thursday, July 19, 2018

Transform plates by Xuan Chan

  • Transform plates: how it happens

  • Two continental plates slide past each other.
  • As they do so, they cause tremendous stress to build up.
  • The build up stress is then released, which often causes a violent earthquake.

  • Occurred in 1906, in san francisco.
  • Between the pacific plate and north american plate.
  • The movement of plates moved 7m over a period of 1 minute.

  • Earthquakes
  • Vibration in the earth’s crust
  • Sudden release of stored energy in the rocks near the fault lines.

  • tsunami
  • Large sea waves
  • Caused by:
  • Movement of sea floor
  • Underwater eruption
  • Landslides on land & sea

  • Volcanoes
  • A landform
  • Formed by the eruption magma from the mantle onto the earth’s surface

  • Active
  • Currently erupting
  • expect to erupt
  • Dormant
  • Currently inactive
  • May erupt in the future
  • Extinct
  • No current seismic activity

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