Thursday, March 1, 2018

(a) Identify the type of tourism in Photograph 1 and describe the characteristics of this type of tourism. [3]
 - Ecotourism
- Conserves the environment
- Improves the well-being of local people

 Note : Do not accept niche tourism. Only YX got this correct. 

 (b) Using Fig. 1, state a location that is a short haul destination from Singapore. Explain why tourists may be attracted to a short haul destination. [3]
 - Bali / Bangkok / Hong Kong
- Cheaper flights due to shorter distance
- Convenience / Lesser travel time that is within 5 hours
 - Tourists do not need to take many days of paid leave to travel
- Ease of travel since no VISA is needed as regional countries have agreement in place to encourage more tourists

 Note: No need to define that short haul is less than 5 hours, unless you are saying that it saves travel time. Short haul does not mean that it is safer! Many students only gave 2 points.  perfect answer : Shuwen, Wai Teng , LV, Kaiwen

 (c) Explain how developments in technology has boosted tourism numbers. Use examples to support your answer. [4]

 - Better and affordable transport : improvements in safety, shorter travelling time and [1],
Example : Budet airlines such Jetstar / Air Asia has lower travelling costs such as no food on board or no baggage for check in, therefore resulted in cheaper air tickets. [1]

 - Ease of access to information : online booking and research, surveillance and electronic checks [1], Example : Online websites such as Trivago/Agoda allows tourists to compare the prices of hotels easily and also provide details such as location and facilities. [1]

Perfect ans : Anna
Note : Can accept the point on routes and agreement : But very difficult to have examples for that

 (d) Study Table 1 below which shows the tourism receipts in country X for the last 10 year.

With reference to Table 1, describe the international and domestic tourism trends shown. [3]

- From 2007 to 2009, both the international and domestic tourism decreased [1] from US 3.5 million to US 2.1 million, and US 31.2 million to US 23.6 million respectively. [1]
 - Both types of tourism then increase [1] from 2009 to 2017 from US 2.1 million to U $3.3 million, and US 23.6 million to US 32.2 million respectively. [1]

Choose any of the 3 points above.

Account for the trends described in d(i) using only demand factors. [3]

 - Disposable income : the growth of income allowed tourists to spend more on goods, services or activities
- Leisure time : people have more annual paid leave and public holidays which allowed them to have more free time to travel
- Changing lifestyle : people travel to relax and take a break, the longer life expectancy also allows retirees to travel etc

Note : Most students got this correct.

 (e) Study Fig. 2, which shows an advertisement for a holiday in Italy. Fig. 2

 With the aid of Fig. 2 and studies that you have made, describe the destination factors that would result in tourism growth in Italy. [3]
 - Attractions : the attractions in Italy such as the Colosseum in Rome or the Leaning Tower of Pisa are the main reasons that attracts tourists.
 - Investment in Infrastructure and services : The government invested in airports, trains and bus services to allow easy access for tourists to travel within Italy easily.
 - Access to information : tourists are able to retrieve information regarding Italy easily such as through advertisement, websites that can help them to plan their travel.

Note : You need to use the information provided in Fig. 2. Since its a 3m question, you can add on your own relevant answer.

 (f) ‘The media has the greatest role in the promotion of tourism.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

Note: Majority manage to score quite well for LDQ. At least Level 2. A handful of you manage to write all 3 points well in PEE format. However, conclusion still very weak.

Sample conclusion:

The promotion of tourism should be a joint effort by the media, government and international organizations. The 3 factors mentioned above provide a big framework that helps to brand and market tourist attraction, and influence people in their decisions. Additionally, travel writers also play a substantial role in influencing tourists choices as they review the attractions based on their own experiences and share this information through the internet or smartphone applications.

Media reports about a country can promote tourism through positive reports.
News and information can be communicated to the public through television, radio, newspapers and Internet.
Visits to the Antarctica, treks in the Himalayas Mountains, homestays with indigenous groups and long-distance cruises are growing in popularity because of favorable media reports.

The Government are involved in planning, funding and building infrastructure projects linked to tourism.

The Government may also setup agencies that devise strategies to promote tourism in their country such as tourism marketing campaigns and promotional events.
The Singapore Tourism Board develops new attractions such as the River Safari and the Integrated Resorts. It also aims to develop Singapore as a destination for leisure and business.

International Organization
The group of different countries work together to encourage tourists to visit a place.

There are international organizations that actively promote sustainable tourism so as to conserve the environment.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Tourism Committee (OECD) helps to address economic, sustainability and employment issues in Tourism.

Travel writers
Travel writers offer their comments on social platforms which can help to promote tourism.
They use platforms such as travel websites, travelogues and guidebooks to provide opinions and reviews about destinations that they have been to.
Bloggers can write reviews on travel blogs about the destinations that they have visited. They can evaluate the climate, accommodation and transport of the place which will influence the decision of tourists to visit the destination.

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