Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Limitations of the questionnaire

Kaiwen and Enzo
Singapore is a popular destination for europeans to visit.

  1. Which country are you from? Please state.
2)  Do you think singapore is a popular destination for tourists?

3) What attracted you to singapore?
Safe country, Interesting foods ( chilli crab,chicken rice), clean environment or other reasons ( please state)

4) Is singapore a ideal destination for tourists to visit?

Yes/ no

5) What services do you enjoy?
A) friendly staffs b) other stuff

6) What do you enjoy most in singapore?
A) Clean and green environment, Good food, Good weather  B) Other services 
7) Will you recommend to your friends and relatives about singapore?
A) Yes B) No

- Q3 seems to sway respondents to certains answers as they provided suggestions such as chilli crab, chicken rice. The survey should be unbiased and neutral in the questions.
- Q5 & 6 options seems to be too little. Should have provided more choices.

Chermaine and Yingxuan

Travelling apps are the reason tourists visit Singapore

How Are We Doing?

Please fill out this questionnaire and place it in the box in our lobby. Thank you.

How often do you use apps for information before travelling?

¨ 1      ¨ 2      ¨ 3      ¨ 4      ¨ 5

Please rate the quality of information provided by the travelling app

¨ 1      ¨ 2      ¨ 3      ¨ 4      ¨ 5

Was the information provided…

Helpful?                                 ¨ Yes | ¨ No
Able to help you decide on next visit?   ¨ Yes | ¨ No
Prompt and efficient?          ¨ Yes | ¨ No

How much does your app answer your questions?

¨ 1      ¨ 2      ¨ 3      ¨ 4      ¨ 5

Travelling apps are the reason tourists visit Singapore

How Are We Doing?

Please fill out this questionnaire and place it in the box in our lobby. Thank you.

How often do you use apps for information before travelling?

¨ 1      ¨ 2      ¨ 3      ¨ 4      ¨ 5

Please rate the quality of information provided by the travelling app

¨ 1      ¨ 2      ¨ 3      ¨ 4      ¨ 5

Was the information provided…

Helpful?                                ¨ Yes | ¨ No
Able to help you decide on next visit?  ¨ Yes | ¨ No
Prompt and efficient?         ¨ Yes | ¨ No

How much does your app answer your questions?

¨ 1      ¨ 2      ¨ 3      ¨ 4      ¨ 5
¨ Once every 2 months         ¨ Other

- Questions have no link to the hypothesis eg Q2 is too vague. Perhaps can specify which travel app they use eg 'Booking.com'
- No open ended questions

- Good attempt to try to use the survey template found in microsoft

Wai Teng and Shu Wen
Tourists tend to go to popular places in Singapore.
1.    What are the places would you like to visit in Singapore besides Sentosa and Marina Bay Sands?
2.    Popular places in Singapore that you visited recently
a.     Sentosa
b.    Marina Bay Sands
c.     Chinatown
d.    Orchard road                                                                                    (             )
3.    What are the less popular places that you know? And went to?
(For Example, Hougang.)                                                                                                                                                                                                             
4.    Which are the places that you would like to recommend to your friends/relatives to visit in Singapore?

5.    I would like to visit Singapore again.
a.     Yes
b.    No
c.     most likely
d.    depends
6.    In general, how would you rate popular places in Singapore?
(10-very good, 5-average, 1-bad)

1         2         3        4         5        6        7        8        9          10

7.    I had a fun time in Singapore
a.     Yes
b.    No
c.     Average                                                                                             (             )            


- Q1 - no need to specify sentosa and MBS. What is the point of stating this two destinations?
- Q2 : What if tourists never visited any of the examples given?
- Hypothesis uses the word 'popular'. It is very difficult to define what is popular and what is not. So perhaps to change the hypothesis.

By: Jonathan and Kai Wen
Hypothesis: Tourists enjoy their stay in Singapore in terms of services and food?
1)    What country do you come from?

2)    What culture of food do you like (Eg. Muslim, Chinese, Peranakan) ?
3)    What services do you enjoy in Singapore (Eg. Hotel concierge, Restaurants)?
4)    Why do you travel to Singapore for?
5)    What services were you offered in Singapore during your stay so far?
6)    What food place do you go in Singapore to enjoy your favourite foods?
7)    Is the price of the food in Singapore very expensive as compared to other countries?
8)    What do you rate the services in Singapore hotels or restaurants?
1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10
Bad                                                 Average                                          Good

- Q2 : Dont provide examples because they will sway tourists in their choices. (Biased opinion)
- Too many open ended questions tourists might not be interested to do the survey as it is too long and draggy
- Too many different types of questions. Try to group similar questions together , perhaps to provide some mcq choices.

Phoebe and Tasmin
Hypothesis: The media is the most effective way to promote attractions in Singapore.

1)     Which country are you from? _____________

2)      How did know about Singapore?
o   Social Media
o   News
o   Friends/Family
o   Others: _________

3)      Which of the attractions listed below have you visited in Singapore? Tick circles below.
o   Text Box: o Singapore Flyer
o Universal Studios
o Gardens by the Bay
Merlion Park
o   Night Safari
o   Sentosa Island
o   Others: ________

4)      Would you consider Singapore’s attractions well-advertised?
Yes / No

5)      Why so? ___________________________________________________________________

6)      bYEE

- Why got 'BYEE'. Please be professional
- Too little questions
- Attractions options given are too limited. What is a good number to give for options and what are the options to be given?

Name: Nadia & xuanchan
‘Singapore attracts a lot of tourists annually’ how far do you agree with this statement?
Questions to be asked:
1.      Which country are you from?

2.      Is Singapore strongly advertised in your country? (tick the box below)
        Strongly agree
        Strongly disagree

3.      What is your purpose in visiting Singapore?

4.      Is Singapore strongly advertised in your country? (tick the box below)

5.      Which place do you find most interesting about Singapore?

6.      Why do you think Singapore attracts a lot of tourists despite being a small country?

7.      How long is your intended duration of stay?

8.      Is Singapore strongly advertised in your country? (tick the box below)

9.      Would you recommend Singapore to your friends or family?

10.   Do you prefer solo travel or group?

11.   Is there a language barrier between tourists and Singaporeans? (tick the box below)
                                Yes                                              No


- When u use the word 'annually' in your hypothesis, u r making a comparison and need data to justify and support that. Suggest to change this word to sometimes more general.
- Too many questions asked.
- Mostly opened ended tourists will not be very interested to do a long survey.
- Some questions are IRRELEVANT to the hypothesis. eg do you prefer solo travel or group? Language barrier?

LArry and Chikin
1)Tourist find out about Chinatown through the media include internet.
Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strongly Disagree
b)Explain why you agree or disagree.
2)What do you find interesting about Chinatown?

3)Do you think that people in Chinatown portray racial harmony?



b)Explain WHY you think so.

4)Do you have anything you would want to recommend to your friends and family?

- Too short. 
- What has racial harmoney got to do with tourism? No link.
- Q4 has no relevance to the hypothesis

Jocelyn Q(4)
Hypothesis: Majority of tourists coming to Singapore is from Europe
Survey Questions:
1)     Did you choose to visit Singapore because you’ve heard about it through any social media platform?
2)     Which country are you from?
3)     What parts of Singapore have you visited?
4)     Which parts of Singapore are you planning to visit?
5)     What places of Singapore do you know about?
6)     Would you choose to go to another country other than Singapore?
7)     Would you recommend coming to Singapore to your friends and relatives?
8)     If question 7 answered yes: Which parts of Singapore would you recommend them to go to?
9)     If question 7 answered no: Why not?
- Q2 should be Q1 instead. Wrong sequence.
- Provide some MCQs instead 
- Some questions r irrelevant to hypothesis.

Anna and Xingyi
Hypothesis: Tourists that visit orchard road are deeply influenced
by social media.
1) Do you use social media? (Includes websites, internet,
Instagram, twitter and others)

2) If yes, how did you find out about orchard road?
3) Did you read any travel sites/recommendations before
coming to Singapore? (Circle)

4) Did they recommend orchard road as a place to visit? (Circle)

5) Rate from a scale of 1-10, how effective is social media in
promoting Orchard Road or Singapore in general?
Not effective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very Effective


- Q2 seems to be biased. shoudl have a 'yes ' and 'no ' option. you are suggesting that tourists only visit Orchard road because of social media .

- Q4 does not help to find out abt the hypothesis




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